Bodiced Petticoat: Finished.

Finally, I'm getting around to posting this! I finished my hand-stitched petticoat right before Christmas and took pictures on Christmas day. I'm set with the undergarments and am ready for the real dressmaking now!
side view
me being goofy
ick, I look very ticked off. but here is the front.
Back view

The entire garment is stitched by hand and made of a white cotton bedsheet from a hospital which was bought from a thrift shop.


Anna said...

It's cute, probably the hospital never could have imagined that one day that bedsheet would make a dress!

Maggi said...

This is beautiful! I thought of "Regency" right away!

The Dreamstress said...

Gorgeous! Hospital bedsheets are the best! I've used them for all sorts of things!

Sarah W said...

Very pretty!

Maiah Rop said...

Ahhhh!! This is wonderful! I am 14 years old and I can never find good, accurate websites like this! Thank you SO much! Did you use a pattern to make this? If you made you own pattern, do you think you could figure out a way to write it down? I would love to make this.